Part 4 - Where do sculpture ideas come from?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008 at 7:53PM
I wanted to explore the motion in the center of the part of the pattern. I made a slight modification to the lines connecting the wheel parts together, sliding one end outward to the end of the spoke. The old lines are shown as dotted and the new ones as blue.
The animation above shows the effect of the change. I don't like it. It makes the motion at the center more regular and less interesting.
To continue to part 5: Click here
Reader Comments (1)
What an amazing work you do !!!
I was a follower of your art but I did not know it. I came once a year to Chicago because bussines, and always pass though a shop that has some of your workings. I spend hours just looking your art and the magic forms that appears.
Now that I know your web I am going to follow you nearly.
This new piece you are working now seems amazing... one more time.
Thank you for the beauty you bring to the world.
David de Bustamante
Posted @ Monday, January 25, 2010 12:40 PM by David de Bustamante