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Part 6 - Where do sculpture ideas come from?


The changes in part 5 showed some promise. I like how the outer rim adds to the motion by making it feel more contained. Now, what happens if I extend the rim line until it connects with the opposite rim? The changes are shown in blue in the drawings above and the motion effects below in the animation.

I like the way the outter rim lines cross and at times seem to grow and shrink. Is there some way to expand on this visual effect?

To continue to part 7: Click here

Reader Comments (1)

I really like what this did to the design. In the first iteration it was a much harsher more violent pattern. This makes it almost undulate as if it were a wave. Much more soothing.
Posted @ Monday, January 25, 2010 12:38 PM by K

October 16, 2012 | Registered CommenterDavid Roy

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