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Always Tweaking - Kinetic Design Changes

This week I am introducing Monarch II.  This isn't really a new sculpture introduction like Swoop was last week. No, Monarch II is a tweak, a significant tweak, to Monarch. 

Part of the joy of my job is the freedom to explore.  I am constantly learning, evolving and changing my designs. I have modified Monarch to incorporate a variation recently refined while working on other ideas. There is a longer explanation about it here on the webpage but suffice it to say, although the motion, action and essence of the two is the same, there is a visual difference in the center. 


In Monarch II much of the clutter has been removed. It just wasn't needed in this new, more elegant solution. I have learned that if I don't document these changes, and update the photos in the website, people notice and wonder.  

I have decided, because there is a noticeable visual difference, I will close the Monarch edition (now Monarch I) at 36, and will start Monarch II with the next scheduled production run in June. This will be a new edition of 75. 

I am constantly looking for a better design, a better mechanism or even a better tomato soup recipe. It keeps me working and smiling.   

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