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About This Portfolio

This is a listing of all the kinetic sculptures I have created since 1975. It is an archive of historical and current work. Most of these are no longer available for purchase because they were created in limited editions. Go to the Current Works page to see sculptures still available for purchase.

You will find photographs, possibly videos, and much more information on many of the sculptures by clicking on the "Click to read more..." link. I have limited information on many of the sculptures from the early years. They were created before video cameras!

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Limited Edition of 24  •  Size: 63"h x 38"w x 6"d  •  Run Time: 15 Hours 
Phenomenon © 1997  •  Sold Out  •  Phenomenon Kinetic Sculpture Directions


About Phenomenon


Phenomenon is a large, very long running sculpture with fascinating 3-dimensional visual effects. The patterning wheels are about 3 feet in diameter and turn in opposite directions at slightly different speeds. The counter-rotation creates a moire effect where the dark stained outer spokes form a torus or donut type of 3-dimensional form. The illusion shifts and changes with the variations in the rotational speed of the wheels.


Comments via Website:

• "That is so cool! I wish I had one of those. I could stare at it all day and not get bored. I've always been entertained looking at things that move automatically and have a nice pattern. I can tell you have put much work to these things. I have been trying to figure out a shape for one of those things as in the Variation sculpture. I want to get one of those, but they are sold out right now. :( Nice work, though." - 7-21-10 -A.V.




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