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About This Portfolio

This is a listing of all the kinetic sculptures I have created since 1975. It is an archive of historical and current work. Most of these are no longer available for purchase because they were created in limited editions. Go to the Current Works page to see sculptures still available for purchase.

You will find photographs, possibly videos, and much more information on many of the sculptures by clicking on the "Click to read more..." link. I have limited information on many of the sculptures from the early years. They were created before video cameras!

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• Limited Edition of 36  
• Size: 52"h x 43"w x 10"d  
• Run Time: 8 Hours  
• Tangle © 2002 
• Sold Out
Tangle Kinetic Sculpture Directions 
Tangle Mounting Template 

About Tangle


Tangle creates a sensuous series of intertwining patterns as the dark curves of the overlapping wheels rotate in the same direction at different speeds. The circular carrying wheel behind them pushes them forward when it rotates in a clockwise direction and then allows them to free rotate as it moves in the counterclockwise direction. 

The entire upper mechanism is powered and controlled by the lower mechanism through a pair of woven nylon lines and a complex arrangement of pulleys, belts and springs. 

Tangle is a piece I can be mesmerized by. It has a continually varying set of patterns and I find myself always waiting for the next one.



 • Limited Edition of 36  • Run Time: 8 Hours  

Reader Comments (4)

This is one of my favourite :)
I remember there was a video of it some time ago. Why is it not available any longer?
Anyway congratulations for your work, I find all sculptures are extremely fascinating and charming.

March 9, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterPaolo

Hello Paolo. We didn't have a video of Tangle but we did have an animation. Back before we could use video on the Internet David created animations of the motion of the sculptures. When we upgraded to the new website last year, the animations had to go. They won't work in their current format and David isn't sure if we have the files (or if they can still be read) to create them in a new format. Times change and we lose a little of history each time they do. But we gain a lot as well. Thanks for your continued interest.

March 9, 2013 | Registered CommenterDavid Roy

I was lucky enough to get the last of the limited editions of this fabulous piece. I can send you a video if you would like. I have it mounted on a neutral colored wall and it works great.


September 3, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterTim

I nearly bought Tangle in 2002 and am still regretting not buying it. Somehow, my girlfriend at the time talked me out of the purchase and instead convinced me to spend it on a liposuction treatment for her. Shortly after which... we broke up. Thus, I have learned an important lesson: When it comes to satisfying the joys of your soul, 'tis better to trust art than passion. So... if you happen to own a Tangle and are looking to sell it... I'd be more than happy to make good on a lost opportunity from back yonder. Cheers all.

February 17, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterNick

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