Exploring Kinetic Art....

We have been keeping a blog since 2008. It is a chronological listing of many topics related to Wood that Works. You will find information about sculptures, inspirations, other artists, day to day life in the shop. The topics are many and fascinating.  If you are an avid follower of David's work we encourage you to subscribe to this blog to receive the regular updates.


Part 10 - Where do sculpture ideas come from?

The patterning in
part 9 shows promise. I don't use color often in my sculptures but sometimes I try. What pattern would these wheels create if I filled the outer crescents with color panels? Only one way to find out!



To continue to part 11: Click Here


Part 9 - Where do sculpture ideas come from?


I liked the direction the patterning was taking in part 8. I realized that the simplest form of this wheel is just 4 circles, two large and two small. The blue parts were added to complete the circles. The hollow lines represent parts I removed. Check out the animation below, complexity from simplicity.


To continue to part 10: Click Here 


Part 8 - Where do sculpture ideas come from?



In part 7 the light wood spokes obscured the patterning that really interested me, the action around the outer and inner rings. In the drawing above I removed all the spokes but the two I show in blue above. The hollow lines represent the removed spokes. The resulting pattern is shown in the animation below.

To continue to part 9: Click Here


Part 7 - Where do sculpture ideas come from?


I like what is happening in part 6 but I find myself drawn to the pattern created by the rims of the wheels. What happens if I make the wheel two tone, switching the part with spokes to light wood and leaving the inner and outer rims alone?


No, I don't like what is happening here. Too much "noise" in the patterning. This needs more work. I like the rim motion, the spokes need to be dark wood or not there at all.

To continue to part 8: Click Here


Part 6 - Where do sculpture ideas come from?


The changes in part 5 showed some promise. I like how the outer rim adds to the motion by making it feel more contained. Now, what happens if I extend the rim line until it connects with the opposite rim? The changes are shown in blue in the drawings above and the motion effects below in the animation.

I like the way the outter rim lines cross and at times seem to grow and shrink. Is there some way to expand on this visual effect?

To continue to part 7: Click here